Our investing process

  • Step 1

    Complete the initial registration process by signing-up.

  • Step 2

    Receive notifications of opportunities including relevant materials to make an informed decision. Indicate the amount you are interested in investing.

  • Step 3

    Complete remaining registration information including identity verification (if not already complete)

  • Step 4

    Execute investment documents via e-signature through our online investment platform.

  • Step 5

    Fund your investment via bank deposit, wire transfer or simple and convenient online transfer.

  • Step 6

    Monitor your investments and receive updates, statements and tax documents through our online investment platform.

Request Access

We want to make the investment process as accessible and seamless as possible. With Hush, you won’t need a printer or a scanner. Investing with use requires only a laptop/mobile device with access to the internet.

Request Access

Distributions and Reporting

  • Distributions are automatically deposited into your chosen bank account via an electronic funds transfer (EFT). For example, if you invest in a mortgage opportunity with monthly interest payments, you will receive an EFT along with a notification that the deposit was made.
  • Each investment will have regular quarterly updates providing any material events or changes that have occurred over the past quarter.
  • Investment statements with details on each of your investments are provided on a quarterly basis and are available on the investment platform at any time.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum investment?

$25,000. There is no maximum, however, allocations will depend on availability.

What is an accredited investor?

Accredited investors are a classification of investors defined by securities regulators (See Accredited Investor Qualifications). If it were up to us, all individual investors would have access to our investments, however, the regulators have restricted our investments to individuals and companies that qualify as accredited investors.

What are the fees?

There is no fee to register as an investor on the Hush investment platform and get access to opportunities. If you decide to invest, Hush will typically take a fee on the capital that is raised, an annual management fee on the single purpose vehicle that is created and a potential profit participation depending on the type of investment.

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